Young burly gay men movies

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Not an admitted gay in sight, but it’s totally a gay horror movie. These are a handful of shorts I saw at the gay geek convention Bent-Con in 2013. And finally, totally explicit gay horror porns are listed on the scary seXXX page. Horror movie with delicious man bod scenes are listed on the stud stalking page. Horror flicks with a prominently hunky male cast are listed on the sausage fest scares page. A list of David DeCoteau homoerotic films can be found on the David DeHomo page. Horror TV episodes and shows with gay characters can be found on the homo hell-evision page. For “straight” movies with hints of gay in them, see the does the gay guy die? page. Included are links to any of the films for which I’ve written a Boys, Bears & Scares blog. I’ve compiled a list of all the gay horror films I’ve discovered-men and monsters, gays and gore, slasher studs, and screaming queens galore! If there are any other films I’ve missed, let me know.

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